
Bus Routes, EZ Routing instructions

  • EZRouting is where you will find your student’s bus route information including pick up and drop off times
    • Please use the email for the primary contact on your child’s Skyward account as your login ID to allow the system to link you automatically. 
    • As a security precaution, EZRouting will confirm the contact information before allowing you to set up your parent portal. 
    • If you don’t have an email on your Skyward account, please use the primary contact phone number as your login id.
    • You cannot change information in EZRouting, please contact your student’s school
    • If a student is supposed to be a bus rider but did not receive an email: Check your SPAM folder or contact the child’s school. (Child’s school needs to confirm address / enrollment). Do not contact Transportation Directly
  • If you have an alternate pickup or drop off site, look in your EZ Routing Parent Portal or call your school for details.
  • Families will receive an email from or
    • ​The email was sent to the PRIMARY guardian as listed in Skyward.
  • 10 Minute Window – Please be at the bus stop 10 minutes prior to scheduled pickup.  Buses can run early based on ridership.  Also be willing to wait at the stop buses can also run late due to external factors such as railroads, traffic, etc.  If a bus is running later than 10 minutes an email will be sent to parents informing them of the late route.
  • To request a review of a current bus stopuse this form.
    • Used to request a review of an assigned bus stop location.  Upon completion, please send it to the Transportation Department.
    • Reviews will be considered after Labor Day.