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Pay Meals Online

*Parents can set spending limits for their student(s) accounts. Please visit to create your new accounts.

SchoolCafé is P-H-M’s online payment system for school cafeteria meals!

The SchoolCafé secure payment portal at allows parents to pay online using credit or debit cards. Other SchoolCafé benefits include:

  • Easy to enroll
  • Downloadable app
  • View your child’s cafeteria balance
  • See what your child ate & spent
  • 24/7 access to your account
  • Set up automatic payments
  • Get low balance email reminders
  • Apply online for Free/Reduced Lunch & Textbook Assistance 

Click here to download a pdf of step-by-step instructions to set up your account today. Click here for the Spanish version.

SchoolCafé will charge a 5% service fee for each transaction (no minimum required). MySchoolBucks had previously charged $1.95 per transaction regardless of the amount. Parents may find it most beneficial to add $39 at a time to their child’s account which would keep the SchoolCafé service fee at $1.95, the same as they were previously paying.

To create a SchoolCafé account, you will need a valid email address and your child’s school ID. Then go to and follow the steps. 

  • Once you’ve created your account, all the school children in your family, no matter which P-H-M school they attend, can be added to your one account. 
  • Remember to bookmark in your browser—or you can get there quickly through all P-H-M websites. Just look under QUICK NAVIGATION in the lower left corner of the page and click on PAY MEALS ONLINE.


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