

The forms provided on this page can be opened or saved, and then printed by parents. Once the information is completed, please submit to the proper office. Your school’s front office or guidance staff can help if you are unsure which form to use or who to give it to. 


  • Student Enrollment – Required for all students enrolling at a P-H-M school. These initial registration forms remain in the permanent record and do not need to be completed in subsequent years unless a student withdraws and then returns.  To complete an online registration form, click here.  To print a copy of the registration packet to complete and return to us, click here.   Learn more at this web page. Non-residents shall not use these forms until they have been accepted through the non-resident student application process
  • Election to Attend School – Used when the parents/guardians have residency in more than one school district (e.g., mother lives within P-H-M boundaries and father elsewhere) to indicate which school district the student will attend. This form is to be submitted annually. 
  • Current Student Moving Out of District – Use this form if your student attends a P-H-M school and you are moving out-of-district and want the student(s) to remain enrolled at his/her current school.
  • Internal Transfer Form for the 2024 – 2025 school year  Use this form to apply to have your student attend a P-H-M school other than their home school that services your neighborhood.
  • Internal Transfer Form for the 2025 – 2026 school year (Opens January 21st, 2025) Use this form to apply to have your student attend a P-H-M school other than their home school that services your neighborhood.



  • Required Documents – Click here for instructions on how to access the necessary forms in Skyward Family Access that parents/guardians must fill out at the start of the school year, such as Emergency Contacts, Student Health Information, Immunization Records, Chromebook Certification, etc.
  • Consent Forms – Click here to fill out the consent forms for each school your students attend, including Photo Consent, Student Handbook Certification, and State Mandatory Curriculum.



  • Student Handbooks – Please review the handbooks for elementary, middle, high school, along with for our Pre-K programs.



Please contact your school for more information on these forms.

  • Affidavit of Residence –  If the student and parent live without “proof of address,” generally because someone else’s name is on the lease or utilities, the actual tenant or homeowner shall complete this form on the student’s behalf.  Proof of address is necessary for the school district to confirm residency. 
  • Third Party Custody Agreement (Form II) – This form is used to document when a student lives with someone other than his/her legal parent or guardian. It does not establish guardianship or custody, only “living arrangements.” 
  • Custodial Statement and Agreement (Form I) – Divorce, Separation, or Abandonment
  • Election to Attend School (Form III) – The Parents are Divorced or Separated 
  • McKinney-Vento Act Form – Information collected on this form is in accordance with the federal McKinney-Vento Act on homeless families/students, and helps school administrators determine the residency documents necessary for the continued enrollment of a student



  • Request for Bus Stop Review
  • Add/change Address Form – This form can be used by students who are new to P-H-M or current students who are moving to a new address within the district. Submit the form to your school office and the school secretary will forward it to Transportation Services in order to start, stop or change busing.



  • Kindergarten Registration – Click to visit the Kindergarten Registration Information webpage
  • Kindergarten Early Entry Appeal Form –  If you wish to appeal the kindergarten admission guideline (age 5 on or before September 1), this form must be submitted on or before May 1st of the year admission is requested.







To try out and/or participate in any middle school athletic sports team, students must have a current athletic physical form on file through “Register My Athlete” before trying out!  Physical must be dated after April 1st for the following school year.

  • Register My Athlete – Register My Athlete is now required for parents to use to register their students online for sports or activities by uploading the required IHSAA physical forms, review and acknowledge acceptance of the Athletics and Activities Code, as well as making the required payments online. Click the link for basic steps to follow when registering your athlete for the first time.
  • IHSAA Pre-participation Physical Evaluation (PPE) Form –  The IHSAA Physician’s Certificate of physical fitness must be on file in the main office each school year. Click the link to download and print this form which must be completed each spring (no sooner than April 1) in order for any student, Grade 6 and higher, to participate in school-sponsored athletics the following school year. This must be on file through Register My Athlete before your child tries out for the sport.
  • Middle School Athletics and Activities Code  – Both the student and a parent must read and acknowledge that they’ve read the Code in order for the student to participate in any contest, competition, or activity during the school year. This form covers all athletic, academic competitions and extracurricular activities for the school year. Acknowledgement and acceptance of the Middle School Athletics & Activities Code is done online through Register My Athlete.
  • Middle School Accident Insurance – P-H-M requires for students wishing to participate in district sponsored athletic programs to have insurance, either family medical insurance or student accident insurance. K & K Insurance is one of many companies that offer K-12 school student accident insurance. Families are free to chose any accident medical insurance from any company they desire, but must provide proof of insurance. Click the link to download a pdf of the company flier or visit their website at


To try out and/or participate in any Penn High School athletic sports team, students must have a current athletic physical form on file through “Register My Athlete” before trying out!  Physical must be dated after April 1st for the following school year.

  • Register My Athlete – Register My Athlete is now required for parents to use to register their students online for sports or activities by uploading the required IHSAA physical forms, review and acknowledge acceptance of the Athletics and Activities Code, as well as making the required payments online. Click the link for basic steps to follow when registering your athlete for the first time.
  • IHSAA Pre-participation Physical Evaluation (PPE) Form – The IHSAA Physician’s Certificate of physical fitness must be on file in the main office each school year. Click the link to download and print this form which must be completed each spring (no sooner than April 1) in order for any student, Grade 8 and higher, to participate in school-sponsored athletics the following school year. This must be on file through Register My Athlete before your child tries out for the sport.
  • Penn High School Athletics & Activities Code
    Penn High School is able to offer its students a multitude of extra-curricular and co-curricular activities, many of which are widely recognized throughout the community, state, and even the nation. Because the influence of students participating in these activities extends beyond the Penn High School campus, these students are required to uphold high academic and behavioral standards. Every Penn student has the opportunity to participate in these programs, and it is our wish that every student will do so. It must be understood, however, that participation in these programs is a privilege, not a guaranteed right. All students participating in extra-curricular and co-curricular activities must follow the standards set forth in this guide, not only during the school day, but at all times, including non-school hours and vacations (including the summer months). Both the student and a parent must read and acknowledge they’ve read the Code in order for the student to participate in any contest, competition, or activity during the school year. This form covers all athletic, academic competitions and extracurricular activities for the school year. Acknowledgment and acceptance of the Middle School Athletics & Activities Code is done online through Register My Athlete. 

Parent Volunteer Form

  • Parent Volunteer Background Check – Volunteering is a valuable component to your involvement in your child’s education and key to P-H-M’s “Triangle of Success.” We greatly appreciate our parent volunteers. School Safety is a Priority! In order to be considered as an approved volunteer, you  are provided two options to complete a limited background check, which includes state/local criminal history records and national sex offender registry. There is both an online application process and a paper copy application. Click here for more information on how to complete the required Volunteer Background Check.


Kids Club, Before and After School Child Care

  • Kids Club – Penn-Harris-Madison is pleased to offer a before and after school child care program that provides working parents the peace of mind that their children will be cared for in a safe, fun and school-based environment. Kids Club is offered at  The program is available for elementary students in grades K-5 and is available for all 11 of our elementary schools. Kids Club operates before school from 6:30 a.m. until the start of classes, and again after school, operating from the time of school dismissal until 6:00 p.m. There are fees based on how many days a week the student attends. Click here for all Kids Club details and registration/enrollment information.