Title I
Title I – What is it?
- Title I is a federal program, dating back to 1965 and President Johnson’s “War on Poverty” that provides financial assistance to school districts and schools with high percentages of low-income families. The goal is to help ensure that all children meet the challenging academic standards. The federal application form for free and reduced lunch and book fees (F/R) is used to determine each school’s count. The federal government passes Indiana’s monetary allotment to our Indiana Department of Education (DOE) to manage. The state government passes on the funds to individual school corporations using a F/R formula based on census figures and F/R information. This will be the first year using the 2010 census results. Once the school corporation receives the yearly allotment, the corporation may determine the most needy schools and allocate the funds to several or fewer schools by the rank order of their F/R status. No schools with a percentage less than the corporation average may be given a Title I status, however, schools with a F/R percentage 15% or higher qualify for the F/R breakfast program.
- Parent Involvement Policy for Penn-Harris-Madison
- Parent Link to Title I Information – Parent Information and Resource Center (PIRC)