Enrolling a Child with Disabilities

Enrolling a Child with Disabilities:

Follow the standard enrollment procedures as outlined here

If your child has an existing IEP from a previous school, please indicate that when enrolling your child and provide your new school with the existing IEP.

If you are new to a school and believe your child may require an IEP or 504 Plan, you may email the principal of that school up to 2 weeks before the start of school with your concerns. The principal will work with you to set up an evaluation with school staff and will set up a case conference if deemed necessary.

If you have documentation from First Steps or Head Start , please send those documents to your childs school  as that can be valuable in letting the staff know about your childs needs.

If your child has medical or other acute needs that must be known Day 1 (Example: feeding tube), please tell the principal in an email before school starts. The principal will work with the nurses and exceptional education staff to make sure that your child has a successful Day 1. For school contact information and boundary maps showing which school your child will attend, click here.