students working on generators

Strategic Plan

A school corporation’s strategic plan outlines the long-term vision, goals, and actionable steps aimed at improving educational outcomes and operational efficiency. It serves as a roadmap to guide decision-making and resource allocation to enhance student achievement and organizational effectiveness. 

College & Career Readiness Goals

STRATEGIC GOAL – Preparing all students for the world beyond the walls of Penn. Students will be experienced with high-level thinking in all courses with the expectation of continual growth and expanded thinking.


District Grade –  P-H-M is an A-rated school district for the 5th consecutive year.

School Grades –  The district got an ‘A’ grade for the fifth consecutive year. Thirteen of the 15 schools earned A’s. Two schools earned high B’s. 

Four Star Schools –  Seven of P-H-M’s schools are recognized by the Indiana Department of Education as high-achieving Four Star Schools. 

90-25-90 is an elite status, accorded to top-performing high schools based on the three measures below.

Graduation rate must exceed 90%. ⇒ Penn’s graduation rate is 97%

Advanced Placement (AP) and Advanced College Placement (ACP) participation/passing rate must exceed 25%. ⇒ Penn far exceeds the target at 62%.

Algebra I End of Course Assessment (ECA) and the English 10 End of Course Assessment passing rate must exceed 90%. ⇒ 94% of Penn students passed Algebra I ECA; 93% passed the English 10 ECA.

ISTEP – Based on the passing rate of our students, P-H-M is in the top 5% of all schools statewide.

IREAD –  91% of P-H-M third graders passed this annual reading proficiency test.

Many other measures can be used to gauge P-H-M’s success at the state level and nationally. These include the ISTEP-based Indiana Growth Model and college entrance exams such as PSAT/SAT and the ACT.  

All students benefit from differentiated instruction, and programs in place that support high ability students, English-language learners, and those with special needs.  

At the high school, the Freshman Academy helps ninth graders transition to college and career expectations, and four Achievement Academies provide structured programs of study aligned with career interests and aptitudes. Some will choose the Early College Academy as a way to work toward an Associates Degree while earning a high school diploma. 

The school district’s goal is to provide an educational environment for students to reach their highest academic achievement. We will help them become lifelong learners who are ready to adapt, contribute to and succeed in a changing world. 

Professional Development Goals

STRATEGIC GOAL – P-H-M will have the highest quality trained faculty and staff by continuing to invest in ongoing, job-embedded professional development.


Performance and Accountability – 100% of P-H-M teachers are rated Effective or Highly Effective on Indiana’s teacher evaluation system. 

Indiana Principal of the Year  – Penn High School Principal Steve Hope was named Indiana Principal of the year in November 2015

Indiana Teacher of the Year – Stacy McCormack, Penn physics teacher, was named Indiana Teacher of the Year in 2011, distinguishing herself at the state and national level.

Professional Distinction – A P-H-M educator has been named as a finalst for Indiana Teacher of the Year five of the past six years. 

Student Achievement Analysis – Our decisions, including planned professional development, are data-driven and based on what we need to do to meet our students’ needs. 

Ensuring College and Career Readiness – Our teaching staff is equipped and enabled to provide instruction that is both relevant and rigorous. The high school faculty is trained in best practices, including how to be part of an effective Professional Learning Community. 

Current Educational Trends – We bring in nationally-recognized speakers and trainers and allow teachers time out of the classroom for these growth opportunities. 

Customer Service at all Levels – The expectation is clear and the training is provided so that all staff are positioned to serve our community in a helpful, pleasant, and respectful manner.

Continuous Professional Growth – Teacher retention is high because the district values and invests in them. In addition to year-round professional development, a Summer Curriculum Institute is designed to introduce new materials or new skills ahead of the coming school year. 

Building Administrative Capacity – P-H-M has a culture of honoring growth and recognizing excellence. Through mentoring, support, and structured administrative experiences, a number of good teachers have become great principals and administrators within the district. 

Facilities Goals

STRATEGIC GOAL – Maintaining top-notch facilities to optimize the quality of the learning environment and extra-curricular offerings in a safe environment.


  • Strategic planning on capital improvements
    • Classroom upgrades
    • Planetarium upgrades
    • Athletic Facilities improvements
    • Energy management and mechanical upgrades
    • Bus parking enhancements
    • Traffic Flow
  • Enhanced security with 3-layer safety approach
    • Locked exterior doors
    • Locking classroom doors
    • Identity screening of visitors
    • Safety film on windows

Technology Goals

STRATEGIC GOAL – Using technology to support learning in an engaging, student-centered environment.


  • Chromebook Initiative
    • Every high school student received a Chromebook in the Fall of 2014
    • Every middle school student issued a personal-use Chromebook in Fall 2015
    • All elementary classrooms have access to Chromebook carts (achieved Fall 2015)
  • Instructional Technology
    • District-wide instructional technology in teachers’ hands (whiteboards, Mimeo)
    • Integrated hardware/software/connectivity engineered to work together
    • Canvas Learning Management System connects students, parents and teachers
    • Elementary digital resources accessed through Student Launch Pad
  • Support and training
    • Student readiness through prepared lessons and hands-on experience
    • Staff readiness through structured training, modeling and peer support
    • Student intern program maintains devices and supports users
  • Focused on the future: STEM 
    • Project Lead the Way labs at elementary, middle school and high school
    • PLTW training and accreditation for staff
    • Many custom labs (architecture, robotics, computer science, graphic design, music)
  • Infrastructure upgrades to support demand for digital resources
    • Telephone upgrades, VOIP flexibility and reliability
    • Committed resources (network, training) to support widespread online assessments
    • Server management and monitoring provides security and redundancy
  • 3-year Tech Plan
    • Strategic and forward-thinking
    • Best use of resources

Fiscal Responsibility

STRATEGIC GOAL – P-H-M will provide necessary financial resources to support high quality teaching and learning while maintaining fiscal responsibility. 


  • Decreased tax rate $.1556 in 2015
  • Maintain General Fund operating balance for 8 years
  • Rainy Day Fund maintained for emergencies
  • Adopt budget at maximum levy; File for appeals on additional revenue when qualify
  • Competitive bidding on purchases and services for cost efficiency
  • Revenue generators include non-resident student enrollment, Energy education, additional vocational programs, grants
  • Partnered with City of Mishawaka for PLTW initiative for classroom technology