Parent Support Groups
There are several parent groups in the area eager to welcome new parents as they network and support each other. These groups provide a great opportunity to share information and experiences. The contact persons listed will be able to give you complete information on meeting dates, times, and locations.
Autism Family Support Group
(Autistic Spectrum Disorders)
Dan Ryan – (574) 289-4831
Down Syndrome Family Support Group
Shelly Schultz – (574) 674-6769
Epilepsy Services Support Group
Sue Bowlin – (574) 647-7639
Guide to Learning Disabilities & ADHD
Starting Small an Early Childhood Parent Group
Kristin Kern – (574) 254-7764
There is also a statewide resource called Family To Family. This group assists parents of children with special needs, ages birth to eight, by offering information resources, and connections to families throughout the state.
For more information, contact Shelly Shultz, the Regional Coordinator, at (574) 674-6769 or join the online network by sending an e-mail to: