Penn & Schmucker Teachers Receive Impact Awards

Posted on October 12, 2023

This afternoon P-H-M Superintendent Dr. Jerry Thacker handed out the last two teacher Impact Awards as part of Round 1. This portion of the awards highlighted the teachers with the most significant overall student growth during the 2022-2023 school year.

Today’s awardees are both math teachers. Penn’s Brian Griman teaches College Algebra, Pre-Calculus & Trigonometry, and Calculus courses; and Tony Krupa teaches 8th grade Math at Schmucker Middle School. Dr. Thacker was able to surprise both Griman and Krupa with the help of some other members of P-H-M A Administration: Asst. Superindent of Instruction Dr. Heather Short, Director of Professional Development Dr. Lavon Dean-Null, and Director of Literacy & Title I Ryan Towner. P-H-M Education Foundation Executive Director Jennifer Turnblom was also on hand. The Foundation covered the cost for the awards given to each winner.

To surprise Mr. Griman, Dr. Thacker enlisted the help of Penn Principal Dr. Sean Galiher. At Schmucker, Principal Sarah Smith and Assistant Principals Cam Brundage and Matthew Garber helped surprise Mr. Krupa in the middle of class.

Serendipitously, both Griman and Krupa’s children were both in their father’s classroom today when they received the surprise awards, making the awards even more special.

Mr. Krupa’s son is a 6th grader at Schmucker


Dr. Thacker surprised to see Mr. Griman’s daughter, home from college on Fall Break, visiting her father’s classroom

Click here to see more pictures on Facebook.

Griman received his Impact award because he had the largest increase of student growth in passing, from PSAT to SAT. The growth in the number of students proficient from PSAT to SAT was 11%.

Krupa was recognized because his students had 85% growth in proficiency from Clear Sight 1 to ILEARN. Krupa also had two of the top three highest growth 8th grade math classes.

We appreciate all P-H-M teachers across the district for their commitment to helping their students achieve academic success. 

Round 1 of the Impact Awards is now complete. Round 2 of the Impact Awards will be handed out mid winter.

Last Modified November 17, 2023