English as a New Language (ENL)
P-H-M’s English as a New Language (ENL) program serves all students whose first language is not English.
Upon enrollment in U.S. schools, all students complete a Home Language Survey to indicate the student’s native language. If English is not the student’s native language, an English language assessment is completed. Indiana utilizes the WIDA Screener to determine the student’s English language fluency. If a student has obtained a fluent score (from a WIDA assessment of 5.0 or higher) from a previous school, it is helpful to present this at the time of registration.
ENL services are provided in all P-H-M schools. An Individual Learning Plan (ILP) is developed for each “limited English proficient” (LEP) student. This document outlines specific modifications appropriate for all classroom instruction and state testing accommodations.
Elementary students are serviced by a licensed English language teacher and through small groups or individual in class assistance by an ENL aide. These services are presented according to the language level of the student in conjunction with Indiana Department of Education standards as well as WIDA’s English Language Development (ELD) Standards. Collaboration occurs between the mainstream teacher and EL staff to address areas of focus.
Middle and high school students are enrolled in English Language Development (ELD) and/or Language Lab. Both courses provide opportunities to develop skills in listening, speaking, reading, and writing. WIDA’s English Language Development (ELD) Standards are also addressed.
Additional information can be found at the Indiana Department of Education’s website for English Learning and Migrant Education.
- For district related questions, please contact the Director of Alternative Education and Special Projects, Robert Thompson, phone (574) 254-2857 extension 20617. Email him at rthompson@phm.k12.in.us
- At the elementary level (grades K-5), please contact the Elementary EL Coordinator, Nicole Parker, phone (574) 259-2486, extension 53261. Email her at nparker@phm.k12.in.us
- At the middle school level (grades 6-8), please contact the Middle School EL Coordinator, Rylee Jacobson, phone (574) 674-7375, extension 49245, Email her at rjacobson@phm.k12.in.us
- At the high school level (grades 9–12), please contact the High School EL Coordinator, Lauren Tarbet, phone (574) 258-9543, extension 20461. Email her at ltarbet@phm.k12.in.us