Prairie Vista principal travels to Washington, D.C. for National Blue Ribbon School honors
Posted on November 9, 2015Keely Twibell, principal of Prairie Vista Elementary School is in Washington, D.C. to attend events surrounding the National Blue Ribbon Schools award ceremony and accept the school’s award. Traveling with Ms. Twibell is third grade teacher Mrs. Cathi Gage, who was honored to make the trip and represent her colleagues at the ceremony. The National Blue Ribbon awards ceremony is conducted by the U.S. Department of Education, and all events and travel expenses are underwritten by the agency. The two days spent together (November 9 and 10) allows educators from high-performing schools time to share their experiences with each other and time for leaders at the Department of Education to seek their input on educational trends and policy.
Pictured above are Ms. Twibell (left) and Mrs. Gage (right) at the outset of their Day One itinerary. The National Blue Ribbon seal, like the one pictured here, will soon be hung in the Prairie Vista lobby for all to admire. The national award exemplifies P-H-M’s “Triangle of Success” and, as Ms. Twibell related in the narrative that accompanied the school’s application when submitted last March, the school’s success is credited to the combined efforts of students, teachers and parents.
The story we published in September, Prairie Vista named 2015 National Blue Ribbon School, provides background on how the school qualified for the prestigious award—and how the students and staff celebrated in an all-school assembly when the award announcement was made. We invite you to read it again!
Last Modified November 9, 2015